Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am in fake literary love with Edward Cullen.

Okay, so I FINALLY...emphasis on finally...started to read "Twilight" last night. You see, for some reason, I had been living under some awful rock and had never even heard of the books until recently when I heard of the movie. Of course, I adore vampire pop culture, i.e. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", "the Lost Boys", etc. I always have, so I knew I had to see this movie and I had to read these books. I picked up "Twilight" a week or two ago, but had yet to find time to read it. Until last night. See, I usually like to read the book before I see the movie, so with the movie's release yesterday, I really had no choice but to start reading. Especially since I already have tickets to see the movie tomorrow with my cousin. The hourglass was ticking and I had to begin reading.

I started reading about 8:00 last night and managed to make my way through half the book before my eyes were too tired to continue. Although, believe me, my mind wanted to keep going! You see, I'm a sucker for that sort of thing. A good ol' fashioned love story with a little supernatural mixed in. As I was reading, I couldn't help but notice the probable goofy grin that kept returning to my face. As I was reading, I couldn't help but find my breath literally taken away when Edward was being all...Edward. As I was reading, I couldn't help but become encompassed in the story. I shouldn't even be writing this now...I should be reading! I have vowed to finish the novel today. And I have vowed to pick up the remaining books very soon, as in maybe later today. They're definitely not going on any Christmas list, that's for sure! So, forgive me if I'm a bit absent for a few's not my's Edward's, I swear!

And I now look extra forward to seeing this tomorrow....yum.I think I may fall in fake movie love with Edward Cullen as well!

Before I do any disappearing acts, I do want to show you my latest project for the new Scrap Mojo challenge...Make a statement with your scrapbooking (or art, I suppose, as I did) and use ink. A super awesome kit from Red Velvet Kit Club is up for grabs and the guest DT is the fabulous Theresa Koback. Check it out and get your layouts/projects in by Nov. 30th! :)

And ps., my project is up for sale in my Etsy shop now.

Pps., I am VERY upset that "Pushing Daisies" was cancelled. Breaks my colorful, whimsical heart.

Happy rest of the weekend,

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

I also found the books later on (just a few months ago), and I too fell in fake love with Edward, who wouldn't?! Ah, to be 17 again, love was so different back then :) I haven't seen the movie yet but I'll probably give in, and be even more in love with him!! Love your statement piece too, btw.